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Spectral Battleground
US$19.99US$9.99 - until July 31, 2024 (UTC -5)

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This new spectral expansion pack offers 110 patches for iZotope’s Iris 2. With 152 manipulated stereo samples, this sound set provides a perfect solution for sound designers and composers of all genres.

Designed by composer, sound designer and producer, Gary Gibbons, at the Professional Music Foundry recording facility in Hong Kong, this sound set demonstrates the power of the Iris spectral audio engine.

110 new patches produced by composer and producer, Gary Gibbons

With 152 manipulated stereo samples, this expansion pack delivers an all-in-one solution.

Available as download only (.zip file; 392.57MB)

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Spectral Battleground Soundset is an expansion pack for iZotope's Iris 2.

Visit iZotope to learn more!

Spectral Battleground expansion pack comes with an "easy-to-install" instructional manual for download after purchasing.

The manual is also available in our Download page.

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